Rene Descartes a French philosopher, mathematician, and scientist is referred to as the Father of Modern Philosophy. He believed that Intelligence wasn’t knowing everything, it’s is the ability to challenge everything you know.

If you are a real seeker of truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things

Rene Descartes

In other words to be truly intelligent and grow in intelligence you must always be willing to research and consider evidence that may contradict your beliefs. To be an honest intellectual one has to avoid confirmation bias which is twisting the facts to fit your beliefs and embrace critical thinking which is bending our beliefs to fit the facts.

ThinkCubed is here to help you think and formulate informed responses to some of life’s most perplexing questions. It is a forum for honest thinkers who aren’t afraid of where truth may lead them.

ThinkCubed is thinking thrice about the biggest questions a human could possibly ask. How, When, and Why was the Earth and Life created.

ThinkCubed attempts to elevate reason to the third power through careful, and deductive evaluation of LogicPremises. followed by Logic Questions.

The wise man doesn’t give the right answers, he poses the right questions

Claude levi Strauss

After this, it is time for the ThinkCubed Truth Veracity Grid

Have I considered the issue carefully, honestly, and with an open mind?
Does what I think conform to the rules of logic and avoid contradictions?
Has what I believe been influenced by personal bias, presuppositions, or my own desires?

ThinkCubed means taking a deep dive into essential truth. No more easy flyovers. Wherever you are in on your truth journey it will help you to answer some of life’s most important questions. It will also get you to ask what may be life’s most important question:

Why Do I Believe What I Believe?